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If you are a small multiplatform content creator, then engaging social media posts are probably the most important thing to you.
If you are a small multiplatform content creator
then engaging social media posts are probably the most important thing to you.
You want your posts to be engaging because that will help you grow an audience, which in turn will lead to more leads and revenue for your business.
But how do you create engaging content? There are three must-have pillars of creating killer posts on social media: content, context, and audience. Let's take a look at each one!
This is it!
We thought we found the right formula to create high-quality content for social media platforms.
Followers were exploding. The engagement was on an all-time high. Some videos have crossed the magic line of million of views—all of that in a tiny country of 5,5M people.
We discovered what it takes to create content pieces that have a high probability of going viral and boost our social media presence.
Yet, it was still not helping us achieve our goals…
What would make a branding manager celebrate for weeks was a failure to me. Embarrassing.
I was a marketing director, and yet… I was unable to monetize the efforts that lead us to create several viral content pieces.
Then I realized we’re doing it WRONG from the beginning.
We were targeting the wrong audience!
Our videos were engaging and appealing to the masses. They triggered a powerful emotion.
But they were useless in meeting our business targets. All they brought us were crickets and vanity metrics.
Since then, I always tried to keep these three aspects fulfilled in order to produce high-quality content for social media platforms.
What is the type of content your audience would like to watch?
Maybe you were in their place in the past.
What were your struggles, questions, challenges? What did you watch back then? What helped you?
That’s the type of content you want to produce.
Create educational content you would desperately watch five years ago.
Share industry trends that helped you achieve your results faster.
Make compelling content by sharing interviews with industry leaders that you repurpose into engaging social media content. Trigger powerful emotions in your videos and encourage users to share your content automatically...
Make your own content exactly what social platforms are looking for. The ultimate goal of every platform is to keep users hooked for as long as possible, so they can increase their revenue from ads. If your content achieves this, social platforms will love you!
<figure class="text-center"> <figcaption>Content - 3 keys to high-quality content for social media</figcaption> </figure>
The ultimate goal of every social media is to have more and more users’ attention for as long as possible. Period.
If your content is engaging, if it’s triggering some emotion, the algorithm will like you.
But the catch is, social media users are expecting different content on different platforms.
What is working on YouTube, may NOT work as well on Instagram, TikTok, or LinkedIn.
**Making the contextual content means that you’re taking this into consideration. **
PLUS, you’re considering the “technical contextualities”, like the max. video length, if the users are watching the videos with sound muted so you add a catchy headline with automatic, hard-burned video captions, etc.
By implementing social media strategy like Gary Vee content model you may increase your audience's response, which converts to more engagement, increased reach, leads, and conversions.
Social media content ideas are time-consuming. Repurposing the content you already have can not only fill up your content calendar faster, but also provide valuable content for your audience, build a stronger brand and better online presence.
ContentFries can make this a LOT easier for you.
<figure class="text-center">
<figcaption>Context - 3 keys to high-quality content for social media</figcaption>
Creating relevant content is more than just blindly following some social media marketing strategy.
Selling pink teddy bears to raving Harley-Davidson fans makes no sense (unless they have grandchildren who’re insisting on it).
Way too many people are trying to reach everyone and end up reaching no one.
What helped us and countless others tremendously is to define a clear and concrete user avatar.
But don’t focus only on the demographics. Know their struggles, wishes, fears, what drives them, and so on.
Serving the right contextual content to the right audience can work wonders.
<figure class="text-center"> <figcaption>Audience - 3 keys to high-quality content for social media</figcaption> </figure>
It's tempting to get started with the content in the first place.
But this often leads to blinking cursor and frustration.
That's why I believe it's better to start the other way around.
AUDIENCE - Define your target audience, ideally in a mind-map. This template can help you get started. Update and improve your avatar quarterly. Think about the business niche you're in and who your ideal customer really is.
CONTEXT - Think about where your avatar is spending his/her time. What type of content is working on those platforms? How can you make your content repurposable for every platform where you want to be? What tools can help you make your content contextual?
CONTENT - Use what you know to create your content. Document your journey and try to wrap your content around your avatar's profile.
Every content creator’s journey has its ups and downs.
If you’re like me, you don’t have the time or energy to produce content every day.
Be authentic, be yourself, and don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re a practitioner - we all are. It’s human to make mistakes.
In a good flow, you can produce pillar content that you can repurpose into weeks or months of micro-content in matter of hours.
But that’s just the start of it. All the content repurposing, post-producing, or simple captioning can take a lot more time than that.
That's why we created ContentFries.
It takes 15 minutes to do what usually takes hours of doing the old-fashioned way. And we're just getting started.
If you're not in yet, feel free to test the free trial.
What do you think about high-quality content for social media?
What aspects does it need to fulfill from your perspective? Feel free to share your thoughts!
PS: If you think this article can help someone, feel free to share it!